now playing... "uninvited" and "superman" on loops for the loopy girl
first off- x-files season finale... *weeps copiously* this is not fair. to quote one of my fav eps- this is not happening. it is no more and only dvds can console me now. horrid horrid horrid. my review:
people as ghosts or people who simply never die? csm apparently is dead- again. what is this- the fourth time he's been "killed" off? i would hope that the flaming death they arranged for him in the pueblo is the final one- i mean, those cigarrettes must not taste the same through whatever-you-call that hole in his throat. soma? no- that's a drug in brave new world. whatever.
krycek was a ghost- definitely, cuz he had a real hand in those visions. and marita- she had been left for dead too but apparently is very much alive. and remains so thanks to mulder listening to the vision of krycek. yet- here's a puzzlement- what the heck was he doing at fort weathers? he actually helped mulder there- so it seemed... maybe part of the plot? maybe not even real at all and as fake as the vision of the lone gunman out in the desert?
mista x returns. see, i'd chalk him up to a vision if he hadn't handed that paper to mulder. if he was a vision, how the hell did he get the paper with marita's address? so mista x musta been the masta of all the informants- no one knew that they hadn't finished him off? i'd be willing to believe that- x was always too cool for words.
spender. alive. can't say i'm happy about that. now is the elephant man. i say justice is served and remain disgusted that he and mulder share genetic material. one of my fav scenes of the series will always be- forever and ever- when scully threatens him in triangle- great, great tv!
kersh. wtf? good all of a sudden. don't buy it. will not buy it. not unless the new shadow govt is threatening his life and it means it'll save his ass if mulder lives. not a nice guy. can't convince me otherwise.
everyone was in this ep. though... where the hell was cary elwes?? food for thought. maybe blackmailing kersh into helping. or hopefully working off that excess chin fat that somehow grew between now and the princess bride.
m/s interaction: priceless. "i smelt you coming, clarice." priceless. you knew it was coming. boo-ti-ful. and offering to kiss skinner too... that also was enough to make me bust a gut... lovely lovely lovely. so glad to see david back, if for however brief a time span.
the destruction of the offices- sacrilege. whoever took the 'i want to believe' poster off the wall should be hunted down and shot. period. the sancta sanctorum has been violated and dammit- i want justice!! grrr!
best line for the end of any kind of series: "maybe there's hope." damn straight. fight the power. right on, man. right *on.*
the truth is out there. oh yeah.
*cries like a baby*
oh yeah, and finally posted the fifth chapter, which, as per usual, no one is reviewing. why? why? thought i was doing so well! i know what it is... roxton has been mia in these last few. lustful readers! can't you just expand your historical knowledge! oh well, must come up with scene for him in next chapter or will lose all readers.
the plight of writers... what ya gonna do?
must sell soul to hallmark tomorrow. scary. doom has really come now. must go iron my uniform- bloody khakis.