a little break
Kevin Cornell's Bear Skin Rug Sketchbook, via Ms. Bookish, formerly Tinka, which is a gorgeous flash interface to show off his great illustrative talent. The navigation could be simpler, but all in all, it is marvelous to look at.
For all of us wannabes out there, a behind-the-scenes look at the movie critic profession. On the same subject, via WoT, Roger Ebert's critic slang decoder.
Via bookslut, Beatrix Potter gets translated into Middle Egyptian. As someone who has translated Middle Egyptian, and only got to read ancient texts, I must say I'm put out. However, just because something is translated into 35 other languages does not make it ripe for glyphs-- I mean, Harry Potter has been translated that many times probably (well, they make versions in Latin and ancient Greek, at any rate), and if you're going to put something in glyphs, it might as well be magical or have some relationship to Egyptian culture or thinking. Peter Rabbit is not that story. Hell, the Egyptians were even one of the first cultures to have a Cinderella story in their mythology. Why not translate the Brothers' Grimm, if people are so mad to have their favorite English stories in Egyptian?
On the design front, Jessa Crispin provides a hilarious tutorial on judging a book by its cover and then links to a site of some of the worst cover art ever. I was especially repulsed at this one. Ick.
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